The 10 most unhappy countries in the world

Uzbekistan Uzbekistan has been ranked as the most miserable country in the world, with a measly average Mental Health Quotient (MHQ) score of 48.

The UK Brits are gloomy as a result of COVID and the cost-of-living crisis, ranking second as the most miserable country with an MHQ score of 49.

South Africa South Africa has been ranked third, with a mental health score of 50. The country is dealing with persistent inequality, high crime rates, and economic challenges.

Brazil Ranking fourth with an MHQ score of 53, economic insecurity, social inequality, and political corruption may be to blame for Brazil's poor well-being.

Tajikistan Tajikistan occupies the fifth spot with a score of 53. Economic hardship, political instability, and limited access to basic services affect the happiness of the populace.

Australia Despite economic prosperity, issues such as high living costs and environmental concerns are hampering the happiness of Australians, which ranked sixth with a mental health score of 54.

Egypt At number seven with a mental health score 55, political unrest, economic struggles, and social tensions create a challenging environment for many Egyptians.

Ireland Ireland finished eighth with a mental health score of 55. Economic downturns, housing affordability issues, and health care issues all contribute to unhappiness in this area.

Iraq Ongoing conflict, political instability, and economic hardship have a significant impact on the population's well-being, ranking ninth among the world's most miserable countries.

Yemen A protracted conflict, a humanitarian crisis, and an economic collapse has created immense suffering and despair among Yemenis, making the country stand at number 10 in the list.

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