Fruits and vegetables that do not require refrigeration 

Tomatoes Tomatoes maintain their flavour and texture best when stored in a cool, dry place like your pantry or counter. Refrigerating them can lead to a loss of flavour and a mealy texture.

Citrus Fruits While freezing can keep citrus fruits from drying out, storing them at room temperature can increase their juiciness.

Onions and Garlic These kitchen staples prefer a cool, dry environment like a pantry to prevent softening and mould growth. Keep onions away from potatoes to avoid quicker spoilage due to ethylene gas.

Bananas Refrigeration can accelerate ripening in bananas. Better to store them at room temperature. 

Peppers Both hot and bell peppers retain their flavour and sweetness best when left on the kitchen counter. Refrigeration halts ripening and intensifies their taste.

Potatoes Potatoes, including sweet varieties, should not be refrigerated. Instead, store them in a cool, dark place like a paper bag to maintain freshness.

Tropical Fruit Pineapple, mango, kiwi, and papaya should be enjoyed within days of purchase, as they deteriorate quickly in the fridge.

Stone Fruit Allow fruits with pits like avocados, peaches, apricots, and plums to ripen at room temperature before refrigeration to preserve their flavour and texture.

Basil Keep basil fresh by trimming its ends and placing it in a cup of water at room temperature to maintain its flavour, crunch, and vibrant green colour.

Squash While winter squash like acorn and butternut can be stored in a cool, dry place for months, zucchini and summer squash fare better in the fridge, lasting up to four days.

10 foods you shouldn't risk eating after their expiry dates