All about natural conditioners, herbal treatments

Ayurvedic hair care routine

Moneycontrol News | March 15, 2024 | Images: Canva

Before diving into your Ayurvedic hair care routine, identify your dominant dosha or dosha combination

Vata individuals tend to have dry,  frizzy hair; Pitta types may struggle  with premature greying and thinning; while Kapha hair tends to be oily and prone to dandruff

Incorporate dosha-balancing foods  into your diet, such as warming spices like ginger for Vata, cooling foods like cucumber for Pitta, and light, dry foods like beans for Kapha

Oiling the hair and scalp is a cornerstone of Ayurvedic hair care. Select oils based on your dosha to address specific concerns. For Vata, opt for nourishing oils like sesame or almond

Pitta types benefit from cooling oils  such as coconut or brahmi. Kapha individuals should use stimulating oils like mustard or jojoba

Regular scalp massage improves circulation, promotes hair growth, and relieves stress — one cause of hair loss

Warm your chosen oil and gently massage it into your scalp in circular motions. Leave it on for at least half-hour, or overnight, before washing

Traditional Ayurvedic cleansers, known as shampoos, are free from harsh chemicals. Look for ones containing ingredients like amla, shikakai, and reetha to cleanse without stripping the hair's natural oils. Choose a shampoo suited to your dosha

Ayurvedic conditioners feature ingredients like hibiscus, bhringraj, and neem and strengthen the hair shaft. Apply conditioner from mid-length to ends, focusing on dry or damaged areas

Herbal treatments, such as hair masks and rinses, provide an extra boost of nourishment. Amla powder, mixed with water, strengthens hair follicles and promotes shine. Fenugreek seeds, soaked overnight and blended into a paste, combat dandruff and add volume