Don’t make these post-workout mistakes

Exercise tips

Moneycontrol News | March 18, 2024 | Images: Canva

Hydration is key to post-workout recovery. Aim to consume a minimum of 16 ounces of water or choose from a variety of healthy beverages. Options like coconut water, green or black tea, and even chocolate milk, are excellent choices

These electrolytes can prevent and relieve muscle cramping, ensuring your body stays in top form. However, it's crucial to avoid sugary, caffeinated, and alcoholic drinks as they can lead to dehydration, counteracting your workout efforts

Fueling your body with the right nutrients post-workout is vital for recovery and  muscle growth. Plan to eat a nutritious snack or meal within 45 minutes of finishing your workout. Focus on foods rich in both carbohydrates and protein

Carbohydrates are essential for replenishing glycogen levels, which are depleted during exercise. Protein helps in muscle recovery by providing essential amino acids necessary for repair and rebuilding

Consider snacks like a banana with peanut butter, Greek yogurt with berries, or a turkey and avocado wrap. These options offer the perfect balance of carbs and protein to support your body's recovery process

While rest days are essential for muscle recovery, light exercises can help. Walking, swimming, or yoga can promote active recovery. Light exercise helps prevent lactic acid buildup, removes toxins from your muscles, and improves circulation

Completing your workout with a proper cool down is crucial for your body's recovery and overall well-being. Always allocate time at the end of your session for a cooldown to gradually lower your heart rate

This process also helps prevent blood from pooling in your lower extremities, reducing feelings of lightheadedness or dizziness. A well-executed cooldown can alleviate stress on your muscles, prevent soreness, and minimise the risk of injury

Consider incorporating stretches targeting the muscles you worked during your workout. Ending with a 5-minute savasana, a yoga pose known for relaxation, can promote overall well-being and mental clarity