How Mumbai will commute in future during Monsoons

source: and

AI artists Manoj Omre & Prateek Arora have reimagined the future of mobility in a flooded Mumbai.

Outdated drainage, poor natural barriers are among chief reasons for the city's rain mess

A lot of Mumbai is reclaimed land. Poor filling leads to some areas being saucer-shaped

This means that when it rains, water flows down into these saucer-shaped areas such as Sion, Andheri and Khar.

Mumbai’s inability to drain out rainwater effectively is in part due to its old drainage system.

The island city’s drainage system is 140 years old, designed by the British.

Mumbai rivers — Dahisar, Mithi, Poisar and others — acted as stormwater drains. But illegal construction and garbage curbed this ability

Environmentalists also cite loss of mangroves as one of the factors to Mumbai's flooding issue.