Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Nisha Dubey

10 Worst Dental Care Mistakes to Avoid

Faulty Brushing Technique: Brushing horizontally instead of vertical and circular strokes is considered as a faulty way of brushing. Also, brushing rigorously leads to enamel worn out.

Wrong Toothbrush: Use of toothbrushes that are hard instead of soft. Toothbrushes with hard bristles causes damage to the enamel.

Abrasive Toothpaste: Toothpaste containing clove, salt or any other abrasive component should not be used. The use of gel based formulated fluoridated toothpaste does the trick.

Not brushing Twice: Brushing at night is more important than brushing in the morning. At night, there is more bacteria build up due to less saliva which can lead to formation of caries.

Consuming Excessive Sweets: Eating or drinking too much sugary products and not rinsing the mouth contributes to caries formation.

Smoking/Tobacco Chewing: Use of tobacco or smoking can cause damage to your oral hygiene along with your overall health.

Ignoring the First Signs: Foul smell from the mouth, bleeding gums and sensitivity to cold are the first signs of dental problems. Ignoring these signs and not visiting the dentist once in 6 months can aggravate the underlying issue at hand.

Use of Toothpicks: Picking chunks of stuck food in between your teeth with the help of toothpick should be avoided. Flossing is considered an essential step along with brushing to get rid of the debris from in between the teeth.

Excessive Use of Mouthwash: Teeth get stained if the mouthwash is used for more than 3 weeks at a stretch. It should also not be used immediately after brushing as the ingredients of the toothpaste counteract with the ingredients of the mouthwash.

Excessive Intake of Citrus Food and Aerated Beverages: It can lead to erosion of the enamel over time because of the acidic nature of the consumed food and beverages.