9 foods you should never cook in your airfryer

Batter-Coated Foods: Items like wet batter-coated chicken or fish can become messy and not cook evenly

Raw Vegetables: Dense vegetables like carrots and broccoli may not cook properly and remain unappetisingly firm

Whole Eggs: Cooking whole eggs in the airfryer can result in exploding shells and a messy cleanup

Soft Cheese: Melting cheese like brie or camembert can create a gooey mess that's hard to clean

Leafy Greens: Items like spinach or kale can fly around in the airfryer and may not cook evenly

Overly Lean Meat: Lean cuts of meat may dry out too quickly in the airfryer, resulting in tough texture

Foods Wrapped in Parchment Paper: Parchment paper can fly around and potentially get caught in the airfryer's fan

Large Roasts: Cooking large cuts of meat may not allow for even cooking and may result in uneven doneness

Very Moist Foods: Foods with high moisture content, like soups or stews, may not cook well in the airfryer