Don't make these fitness mistakes, avoid injury

Exercise tips

Moneycontrol News | March 27, 2024 | Images: Canva

When you exercise, it is important to listen to your body. Indeed, pushing beyond your comfort zones is crucial for progress. However, it's equally essential to distinguish between discomfort and pain

Remember, it's normal to feel a burning sensation during exercise. It often signifies your muscles are working hard. But, beware if its a sharp, stabbing, or persistent pain. Stop, assess the situation, and adjust your workout to prevent further injury

Aim for gradual progress in fitness. Don't push yourself to the brink of injury in a single session. Make small, sustainable changes to your workout routines. Increase intensity, duration or resistance gradually as you go up in strength and fitness levels

Proper rest and recovery are crucial to  any fitness regimen. Give your body  enough time to repair between your workouts. This will minimise injury risks.  If you feel fatigue, give yourself adequate  rest days for your body to recover

Connect with your body's sensations and cues by practicing mindfulness during workouts. Mind your breathing, form, and muscle engagement. Stay present in the moment, minimise distractions to maximise the benefits of your workout

It is important to recognise that each body is different and there is no one-rule-fits-all. Listen to your body's responses and tailor your workouts, intensity, and frequency to suit your specific needs and goals