Published Mar 27, 2024

Eggs vs Veggies: The unexpected protein champions and alternatives

By Vivek Dubey

Discover 10 vegetables that can provide more protein than eggs, offering a healthy alternative for vegetarians.

Broccoli Boost

Broccoli, high in protein and low in fat, is packed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Pea Power

Peas are rich in protein and fibre and loaded with essential nutrients like manganese, copper, phosphorus and folate.

Kale Kick

Kale, rich in antioxidants and essential nutrients, is a vegetarian protein powerhouse.

Sweet Corn Strength

Sweet corn is rich in protein, low in fat and packed with thiamine, vitamins C and B6 and folate.

Cauliflower Crush

Cauliflower, a top vegetable protein source, contains sinigrin, potassium, manganese and vitamins C and K.

Spinach Surge

Spinach, rich in vitamins A, K and C, supports immune health, eye health and overall well-being.

Brussel Sprouts Boost

Brussels sprouts combine fibre, protein, vitamins and minerals, offering numerous health benefits.

Mushroom Magic

Mushrooms, one of the tastiest vegetarian foods, enhance the flavour of any recipe.

Avocado Advantage

Avocados, known for healthy fats, also contain a reasonable amount of protein, potassium and fibre.

Peanut Punch

Peanuts, often overlooked, provide almost the same amount of protein as chicken.