7 Different Types Of Coffee From Around The World

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Espresso (Italy): A concentrated shot of coffee brewed by forcing hot water through finely-ground coffee beans

Café au Lait (France): Equal parts brewed coffee and steamed milk, offering a smooth and creamy taste.

Turkish Coffee (Turkey): Finely ground coffee simmered with sugar and served unfiltered, offering a strong and rich flavor.

Café Cubano (Cuba): Strong espresso shot sweetened with demerara sugar, offering a potent and sweet taste.

Café con Leche (Spain/Latin America): Equal parts brewed coffee and scalded milk, offering a creamy and mellow flavor.

Café Americano (United States): Espresso diluted with hot water to create a milder taste resembling traditional drip coffee.

Vietnamese Iced Coffee (Vietnam): Strong brewed coffee poured over condensed milk and served over ice, offering a sweet flavor profile.