10 common cooking techniques that may pose health risks

High-Heat Grilling: Charring meats produces carcinogenic compounds like heterocyclic amines (HCAs) and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs)

Deep Frying: Generates trans fats and acrylamide, linked to heart disease and cancer, when oil is overheated

Overcooking Meats: Creates advanced glycation end-products (AGEs), associated with inflammation and age-related diseases

Charcoal Grilling: Releases benzopyrene, a carcinogen, when fat drips onto hot coals and creates smoke.

Microwaving in Plastic: Can leach harmful chemicals like bisphenol A (BPA) and phthalates into food

Reusing Cooking Oil: Can form toxic compounds and promote oxidative stress when repeatedly heated

Using Nonstick Cookware at High Temperatures: Can release toxic fumes and chemicals when overheated

Cooking with Aluminum Foil: May increase aluminum intake, linked to neurotoxicity and Alzheimer's disease

Overconsumption of Fried Foods: Linked to obesity, heart disease, and other chronic health conditions when eaten frequently

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