8 Benefits Of Consuming More Vegetables In Summers

Producer:  Shreeja Bhattacharya

Hydration: Vegetables like cucumbers and tomatoes have high water content, aiding hydration.

Nutrient Boost: Vegetables provide essential vitamins and minerals to combat heat-induced fatigue.

Weight Management: Low-calorie vegetables can help maintain a healthy weight during summers.

Digestive Health: Fiber-rich vegetables support digestive health, preventing issues like constipation.

Skin Health: Antioxidants in vegetables can protect skin from UV damage and maintain glow.

Energy Boost: Nutrient-dense vegetables provide sustained energy levels, combating summer lethargy.

Reduced Risk of Heat Stroke: Vegetables with electrolytes like potassium can prevent heat-related illnesses.

Improved Immunity: The vitamins and minerals in vegetables can strengthen the immune system.