Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Sujata Singh

5 Ways to Offer Mental Health Support

Supporting someone with a mental illness requires empathy and understanding. Here are some ways to support someone with mental health problems.

Beware of the warning signs

Changes in behaviour, mood swings, social withdrawal, and difficulty coping with daily tasks could indicate underlying issues.

Keep them busy

Keeping them busy can help to distract them from negative thoughts and emotions. You can make them engage in activities they enjoy, such as playing any sport, watching a movie, or going for a walk

Engage in conversation with them

Initiate an open and honest conversation about their mental health problems. Encourage them to share what they are feeling and what is bothering them.

Listen attentively

Try to listen to them actively by giving them your full attention and avoiding interruptions or distractions.

Reassure them

Reassure the person that you are there for them and they are not alone in their journey and seeking help is a sign of strength.