10 effective exercises for healthy weight gain

Squats: Originating from ancient Greece, squats target multiple muscle groups, promoting overall strength and size

Deadlifts: Dating back to ancient Egypt, deadlifts engage the entire body, particularly the back, legs, and core

Bench Press: Developed in the 1890s, bench presses are excellent for building upper body strength and muscle mass

Bent-Over Rows: With roots in ancient Greece, bent-over rows strengthen the back muscles and improve posture

Pull-Ups: Originating from ancient China, pull-ups engage the upper body, including the back, arms, and shoulders

Military Press: Traced back to ancient Rome, military presses target the shoulders, arms, and upper chest

Dumbbell Lunges: Dating back to ancient Persia, lunges work the legs and glutes, enhancing lower body strength

Leg Press: Originating in the early 20th century, leg presses focus on the quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes

Barbell Curls: Developed in the late 19th century, barbell curls build arm strength and promote bicep growth

Weighted Step-Ups: With origins in modern fitness, step-ups strengthen the legs and improve lower body stability

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