Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Mohit Bisht

3 Drinks To Regulate Blood Sugar Level

Diabetes is a chronic disease that occurs either when the pancreas is unable to produce enough insulin for our body or when we cannot effectively use the insulin it produces.

Poor lifestyle, physical inactivity, lack of exercise, poor eating habits and obesity are some of the major causes of diabetes.

There are three beverages to keep the glucose level in the blood under control.

Fenugreek Seed Water

Fenugreek is very beneficial for health. Fenugreek seed water is also healthy for diabetic patients, as it contains soluble fibre including glucomannan fibre, which delays the absorption of ingested sugar in the intestines.

Alkaloids such as fenugreek and trigonelline possess hypoglycemic action and the 4 hydroxyisoleucine (4-OH Ile) amino acids. They act on the pancreas to release insulin.

Giloy Water

Giloy contains an alkaloid compound called berberine. It is a traditional herbal beverage. Studies have shown that it reduces blood sugar.

Berberine works similarly to the diabetes drug metformin which is often given to patients. Giloy also has many other health benefits which can protect you from many other diseases.

Cinnamon Tea

Cinnamon increases glycogen storage by affecting glycogen synthesis. The natural elements found in cinnamon work as insulin to keep the blood sugar level stable. You can consume it regularly in limited quantities.