8 modern-day dating terms you must know

Moneycontrol News | April 5, 2024 | Images: Canva

Ghosting: Let's start with a classic. Ghosting occurs when someone abruptly cuts off all communication with a romantic interest without explanation or warning. It's like they vanish into thin air, leaving the other person bewildered and often hurt

Breadcrumbing: This term refers to the act  of sending flirtatious but non-committal messages or signals to keep someone interested without any intention of actually pursuing a relationship. It's like leaving a trail of breadcrumbs leading nowhere

Cuffing Season: As the nights draw in  and temperatures drop, many singles find themselves seeking a partner to cosy up with. This phenomenon is known as cuffing season, where people are more inclined to settle down temporarily for the winter

Fleabagging: Coined after the popular TV  show Fleabag, this term refers to the  habit of repeatedly dating people who are entirely wrong for you. It's like being drawn  to chaos and drama, even when you know  it's not healthy

Situationship: Haven’t we all been into one?  In a situationship, two people are romantically involved but not officially in a committed relationship. It's a murky grey area that can lead to confusion and uncertainty about where things stand

Zombieing: Just when you thought they  were gone for good, a zombieing happens. This term describes the resurrection of  a ghost from your dating past. They  suddenly reappear, usually out of the blue,  as if rising from the dead

Love Bombing: Beware of those who  shower you with excessive affection  and attention right from the start. Love bombing is a manipulation tactic used to  gain control over someone by overwhelming them with love and praise

Roaching: Similar to breadcrumbing, roaching involves hiding the fact that you're seeing multiple people at the same time. When one of your partners discovers this, they're said to have found a 'roach' — an unpleasant surprise lurking in the darkness