Beer 101: Exploring the various types of beer you should know about

Pale Ale: Known for its hoppy flavour and amber colour, pale ale is a classic beer style.

India Pale Ale (IPA): A hoppy beer style with origins in England, IPA features strong bitterness and citrusy notes.

Stout: Dark and rich, stout is characterised by its roasted malt flavours and creamy texture.

Lager: Lager is a light and crisp beer style that undergoes cold fermentation, resulting in a clean taste.

Wheat Beer: Brewed with a significant proportion of wheat, wheat beer has a light and refreshing taste.

Pilsner: Pilsner is a pale lager known for its crispness, light body, and floral hop aroma.

Sour Beer: Sour beer is intentionally brewed to have a tart or sour taste, often through fermentation with wild yeast.

Porter: Similar to stout, porter is a dark beer style with roasted malt flavours and hints of chocolate.

Belgian Ale: Belgian ale encompasses a wide range of beer styles, known for their complexity and fruity esters.

Amber Ale: With a balanced flavour profile and moderate bitterness, amber ale features caramel and malt notes.

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