Key findings on rising stress levels in people, a survey by Bayer's Consumer Health Division

Byline: Shilpa Ranipeta  Published by:

According to a Survey by Bayer’ Consumer Health Division,  Indians are experiencing more headaches and stress post the Covid-19 pandemic

1 in 3 people report increased stress post-pandemic. 93% of those with headaches attribute them to stress, impacting frequency and severity.

The survey indicates women experience higher stress levels than men, with 90% of working women and 86% of non-working women reporting increased stress compared to pre-pandemic times.

The survey highlighted that work pressure and deadlines contribute to elevated stress levels and headaches, surpassing financial stress. 59% of respondents leave tasks unfinished due to stress.

Interestingly, among millennials, social commitments also ranked among the main causes of headaches.

In Mumbai, 92% individuals reported higher stress levels and headaches.

Nearly 100% people in Ahmedabad and Bhubaneswar claimed to have experienced stress pre- as well as post-pandemic

Other cities with higher levels of stress include Madurai, Indore and Pune.

Post-pandemic, 80% now share headaches with family/friends/colleagues. 50% opt for immediate relief with tablets, indicating improved headache management behavior

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