You should start lifting weights

By Sushmita Srivastav, July 5, 2023

Images: Canva

More popularly known as weight lifting  or resistance training, strength training  is a group of physical activities designed  to improve muscular fitness

It increases your power and can help  you perform better in sports and even  daily tasks that require physical strength. Daily exercise stimulates bone growth  and increases bone density

As you build lean muscle mass,  your metabolism kicks into high  gear, torching those pesky calories  long after your workout ends. With consistent workouts, you can shed  many kilos and have a sculpted physique

Weight training offers cardiovascular benefits. When you do compound exercises like squats and deadlifts, your heart rate spikes, giving your cardiovascular system a workout of its own

Strength training can help (big time) if your joints creak each time you get up or bend down to pick something

By strengthening the muscles around your joints, you provide them with extra support and stability, preventing major injuries and diseases, and improving overall function

When you lift weights, your body releases a flood of endorphins, reducing the levels of the stress hormone, cortisol. That’s why when your workout is over, it leaves you feeling calm and collected

Pumping iron can improve your  cognitive function, memory, and  focus. Studies have shown that strength training can reduce anxiety, and boost  your mood and self-esteem

Regular workouts help combat age-related muscle loss, keeping you spry, agile, and feeling youthful

It even ensures quality sleep at night, making sure you wake up with youthful skin and younger body every morning