10 common mistakes to avoid while washing your dishes

Using a Dirty Sponge A clean sponge is crucial for effective hand-washing to avoid spreading bacteria and odours to dishes.

Pre-Rinsing Dishes Before Using the Dishwasher Skipping pre-rinsing can optimise dishwasher detergent effectiveness by targeting leftover food particles.

Using Too Much Soap Overusing soap wastes product and can leave a residue on dishes, requiring more cleaning effort.

Cleaning Dishes in a Dirty Sink Washing dishes in a clean area prevents cross-contamination and ensures sanitary results.

Not Using the Correct Water Temperature Optimal water temperature ensures proper cleaning without harming hands or dishes.

Using the Wrong Soap Using the right soap for hand-washing and dishwashing tasks prevents damage to skin and dishes.

Storing Dishes Before Drying Them Drying dishes thoroughly before storage prevents moisture-related issues like mildew.

Overloading Your Dishwasher Properly loading the dishwasher ensures all dishes are cleaned effectively without damaging the appliance.

Dishwashing Items That Should Be Hand-Washed Certain delicate items should be hand-washed to avoid damage from dishwasher detergent or high heat.

Letting Dishes Pile Up in the Sink Keeping up with dishwashing prevents odours and potential drain issues in the kitchen.

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