These refreshing drinks will keep your gut happy in summer

Moneycontrol News | April 16, 2024 | Images: Canva

Kombucha: Filled with good bacteria called probiotics, which are important for a healthy gut, kombucha is a fizzy tea with many flavours, like fruity or tangy

Kefir: Made from dairy, it is full of bacteria good for your gut. Its smooth texture and slightly tangy taste make it a yummy summer drink. You can drink it plain or mix fruits

Lemon Ginger Iced Tea: Lemon and ginger are well-known for helping with digestion. This tea is good for your stomach and digestion

Coconut water: It is full of prebiotics, which help good bacteria grow and stay healthy. Coconut water is also rich in electrolytes, which are great for when you need to replace fluids on a really hot summer day

Water Kefir: Packed with helpful bacteria, it's like regular kefir but made with water instead of milk. You can make it tastier by adding fruits like berries or citrus

Green smoothies: Add a spoonful of yoghurt or kefir to a green smoothie and you have a refreshing drink. The fibre from the greens and fruits helps your digestion, and yoghurt's or kefir's probiotics keep your gut healthy

Aloe vera juice: Famous for its soothing  and healing abilities, aloe vera juice is a gentle tonic for both body and gut. Mix it  with lemon and honey