Moneycontrol News | April 17, 2024 | Images: Canva

10 benefits of having yoghurt daily: Control diabetes, lose weight

Improves digestion: Yoghurt keeps bowel movements regular, improves gut flora, and aids in lactose intolerance, constipation, and inflammatory bowel diseases

Boosts immunity: Regular consumption of yogurt enhances the immune system, fights gastrointestinal and respiratory infections, thanks to magnesium, selenium, and zinc

Reduces risk of cancer: The anti-carcinogenic properties of yoghurt shields the body against colon, bladder, and breast cancer

Regulates blood sugar: Homemade unsweetened yogurt helps regulate blood sugar and is beneficial for type 2 diabetes

Strengthens bones: Rich in calcium, yoghurt improves bone health, reducing the risk of fractures and osteoporosis

Reduces inflammation: Daily consumption lowers inflammation and is beneficial for autoimmune and chronic conditions

Lowers blood pressure: Regular intake reduces blood pressure, a significant risk factor for heart diseases

Helps in weight loss: High protein content in yoghurt induces feeling of fullness, reducing calorie intake and promoting weight loss

Boosts mood: Probiotics in yoghurt can reduce anxiety and stress, and is beneficial for mental health

Relieves allergy symptoms: Regular consumption of yoghurt reduces immune system responses to allergies