Images: Canva

Moneycontrol News, July 5,2023

Broccoli is loaded with antioxidants  and sulforaphane that shield our cells against cancer, prostate cancer,  cataracts, and arthritis

Indole-3-carbinol, a compound found in abundance in broccoli, is known for its anti-tumor properties

It is packed with essential nutrients  like calcium and vitamin C that make  our bones strong

It is also rich in Vitamin K, which aids  in blood clotting and is good for  treating osteoporosis

It contains a compound called sulforaphane which shields the body's cells from damage and inflammation

Vitamin C in broccoli stimulates the production of white blood cells, which are essential for fighting off infections

Its high fiber content helps in preventing constipation and maintaining a  well-functioning digestive system

The extract from broccoli florets (EF) contains beneficial compounds, including phenolic content and sulforaphane, which has anti-inflammatory properties