All you need to know about Earth Day 2024


APRIL 22, 2024

April 22 is designated as World Earth Day each year. Planet vs. Plastics is the topic for World Earth Day in 2024. The topic attempts to draw attention to the damaging effects of plastic pollution on the environment.

The inception of Earth Day dates back to 1970. Harvard student Denis Hayes and US senator Gaylord Nelson came up with the concept for the event. Both the United States' declining environmental quality and the significant oil disaster in Santa Barbara, California, in January 1969 severely troubled them.

The day is significant because it causes us to reset our perception and recognize our complex connection—rather than our separation—with nature. In order to support environmental concerns and contribute to a more sustainable future, it encourages people to make small changes in their daily lives.

Since Earth Day raises awareness about protecting our planet, you can engage in various environment-related activities to make the day special. You can pledge to avoid using plastics in your home, go on nature walks, make lifestyle changes that reduce your carbon footprint, educate your family and friends on ways to save the environment, and more.