Get Rid Of Dandruff With These Natural Hair Masks

Neem’s anti-bacterial properties help in controlling hair dandruff.

Neem And Coconut Oil

Combining neem with coconut oil will leave your hair flake-free.

Lemon’s citric acid balances hair pH levels.

Lemon And Honey

In addition, honey nourishes and hydrates your scalp.

Apply aloe vera directly as a hair mask.

Aloe Vera

Its moisturising properties soothe itchiness and restore hair shine.

The antifungal properties combat a flaky, irritated scalp.

Apple Cider Vinegar And Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil in this mask cleanses hair without causing any dryness.

The lactic acid in yoghurt cleanses the scalp, clearing away dead skin.

Fenugreek Seeds And Yoghurt

Fenugreek seeds's anti-inflammatory and antifungal properties may help.