Moneycontrol News April 24, 2024

5 foods that are secretly dehydrating you

Summer is here and the extreme heat can sometimes make you feel dehydrated and lethargic. Hydration is key during the hot months but there are some food items that can also make your body lose water.

You might not even know that some foods and beverages are impacting your hydration. So, here are a few of those that you should make a note of.

Did you know that your regular cup of coffee might be dehydrating you? Coffee is a diuretic and anything over two cups can make your body lose water.

Consuming a protein-heavy diet can also cause a dehydration as the body needs a lot of water to break down protein. So, make sure you replenish your water level while having protein-rich food.

Alcohol can make you extremely dehydrated as its is a diuretic. The hangover or headaches that happen after a night of drinking can be attirubuted to the loss of water.

Salty foods have a high amount of sodium and excess water is needed to eliminate all that extra salt in your body. Be careful while consuming salty foods like soy sauce, popcorn or fried foods and have them in moderation.

Drinks with excessive sugar might seem refreshing at first but will end up dehydrating you. Added sugar makes the body lose fluids rapidly.