New York's top court overturns Harvey Weinstein’s 2020 sex crime conviction

More than 100 women accused Weinstein of sexual transgressions

Over 100 women accused the Miramax co-founder of sexual transgressions

Actress Ashley Judd, 56, was stunned, said: ‘This is what it's like to be a woman in America…living with male entitlement to our bodies.’

Ashley Judd was the first actress to go on record with allegations against the disgraced movie producer, Harvey Weinstein, 72 .

At a 1997 breakfast meeting at Beverly Hills hotel room, producer Weinstein propositioned actress Ashley Judd, then starring in Miramax’s 'Kiss the Girls'.

At a 1997 breakfast meeting at his Beverly Hills hotel room, Weinstein propositioned Ashley Judd (starring in Miramax’s 'Kiss the Girls').

In the New York case, Weinstein was convicted of raping production assistant Miriam Haley in 2006.

Weinstein was also convicted of raping Jessica Mann at a hotel in 2013.

Actress Sarah Ann Masse accused Weinstein of sexually assaulting her, said, that today’s decision reflects a broader failure of the justice system to support survivors.

'Charmed' actress Rose McGowan was allegedly raped by Weinstein in 1997.

Salma Hayek, Gywneth Paltrow, Asia Argento, Léa Seydoux, Angelina Jolie, Eva Green and Lena Headey (Cersei from 'GoT') are among the 100+ women who've accused Weinstein of sexual misconduct