10 effective tips to control sweat during the summer heat

Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of water throughout the day to regulate body temperature.

Choose lightweight, breathable fabrics like cotton to allow airflow and reduce sweat accumulation.

Use antiperspirants or talcum powder on areas prone to sweating to absorb moisture and prevent odour. 

Take cool showers or baths to lower body temperature and minimise sweat production.

Apply clinical-strength antiperspirants before bed to control sweat glands and reduce perspiration overnight.

Avoid spicy and hot foods that can increase body temperature and trigger excessive sweating. 

Limit caffeine and alcohol intake, as they can stimulate sweat glands and exacerbate sweating.

Wear loose-fitting clothing to promote air circulation and prevent sweat from getting trapped against the skin.

Use portable fans or air-conditioning to create a cooler environment and minimise sweating indoors.

Practice stress-reduction techniques like meditation or deep breathing to manage emotional triggers that can lead to sweating.

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