7 food items that should never  be reheated

Moneycontrol News | April 26, 2024 | Images: Canva

Chicken: Reheating roast chicken can lead  to the growth of harmful bacteria, particularly if the chicken wasn't stored properly.  Chicken should be reheated only once and  to a high temperature of at least 75°C to  kill any bacteria present

Eggs: Reheating eggs, whether scrambled, boiled, or fried, can cause them to become rubbery and lose their flavour. Additionally, reheated eggs may harbour bacteria like salmonella, which can cause food poisoning

Mushrooms: They are prone to bacterial growth, especially when reheated at improper temperatures. Enjoy them fresh  or incorporate them into cold dishes  like salads instead

Spinach: Like mushrooms, spinach is  rich in protein and susceptible to  bacterial contamination when reheated. Reheating spinach can also cause the formation of harmful nitrates, which can  be harmful to health

Rice: Reheating it can be risky as it leads to the growth of Bacillus cereus, which can cause food poisoning. When rice is cooked and left at room temperature, the spores of this bacterium can multiply, leading to potential illness when reheated

Potatoes: When potatoes are cooked and left at room temperature, they can develop botulism-causing bacteria. Reheating potatoes doesn't always destroy these bacteria and can lead to foodborne illness. Instead of reheating potatoes, store them properly in the refrigerator and consume them cold in salads or as a side dish

Cooking oil: Reheating cooking oils, especially those with low smoke points like olive oil, can lead to the formation of free radicals. These compounds have been linked to various health problems, including inflammation and oxidative stress