How To Manage High Blood Pressure In Hot Weather

Producer:  Mehak Pal

High Blood Pressure is a serious health condition. Here are some essential tips to manage high blood pressure in hot weather.

Stay hydrated

Hydration is one of the most important things that everyone needs to ensure during summer. Dehydration can lead to a raise in blood pressure.

Eat a balanced diet

Consumption of junk and spicy food can impact your heart health. Make sure to consume fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and proteins to support heart health.

Limit salt intake

Excessive salt intake is not good for our health and people with heart conditions. 

Physical activity

People with high blood pressure should engage in any kind of physical activity such as cycling, swimming, yoga, or brisk walking to lower their blood pressure.

Get enough sleep

People with high blood pressure are advised to maintain a proper sleep cycle as it can help support overall health and blood pressure regulation.