Health benefits  of coconut water: Avoid it if you are...

Moneycontrol News | May 13, 2024 | Images: Canva

While coconut water can be a healthy addition to your diet, excessive consumption may lead to unwanted side effects. Let's explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of drinking coconut water regularly

Allergic to coconut: If you are allergic to coconuts or any of its components, avoid the water to prevent allergic reactions, which can range from mild to severe

Have kidney issues: Coconut  water is naturally rich in potassium, which can be problematic for individuals with kidney problems, especially those on  a potassium restricted diet

Have BP concerns: If you have  uncontrolled high BP, limit intake of potassium-rich foods, including coconut water. Excessive potassium can potentially worsen hypertension

Are diabetic: While it is lower in sugar than many other sweetened beverages, it still contains natural sugars that can affect blood sugar levels. Diabetes patients should monitor their carbohydrate intake, including the sugars found in coconut water

Are prone to gastrointestinal issues: Some people experience digestive discomfort or bloating after consuming coconut water, especially if they have a sensitive stomach or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)

Infants under six months: For infants  under six months old, coconut water is  not recommended as a substitute for breast milk or infant formula

Are on certain medications: Some medications can interact with the electrolytes in coconut water, particularly potassium. If you take diuretics or potassium sparing medications, consult your doctor before adding coconut water to your diet