10 Inspirational Quotes By Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Producer: Priyanka Das Editor: Aparna Singh

"The real purpose of life can only be found deep within yourself. Once that is found, nothing else matters and the smile on your face will never diminish."

"Life is like a movie, the director never appears on screen but the actor has to stay in tune with him to play the role. Similarly, the director of this world is unseen & meditation is our link to be in touch with the Divine."

"Go through life with dedication & commitment. Your life is dedicated to a cause on this planet. This brings valor, vigor, peace & stability."

"Life becomes a game when you learn to play it with the spirit of sport. Enjoy the whole journey, from beginning to end!"

"Life is very precious. Let us all join hands & create awareness among people who have the slightest tendency to take their life away. There are enough human values on this planet to support each other and no problem is insurmountable."

"Move on in life remembering that you are fire! When you know that you are fire, nothing can burn you. Let go of the past & take life in totality."

"Wake up & see that life is too short. The realization that life is short will bring dynamism to your life."

"Life is much larger than birth & death, failure & success. You are the unblemished, pure eternal Self. Knowing this, you will walk like a King."

"Life is a combination of effort and effortlessness; deep rest and dynamic activity; passion and dispassion."

"Life is a beautiful mystery, just live it! Trying to understand mystery is confusion, when we live mystery of life so totally, then joy dawns."