Producer:  Mehak Pal Editor: Mohit Bisht

7 Side Effects Of Over-Boiling Milk Tea

Over-boiling milk tea can lead to several changes that might affect its taste and potentially its health goods. Here are seven side effects of over-boiling milk tea.

Loss of nutrients

Over boiling can degrade some nutrients in milk like vitamins B12 and C.

Taste revision

Overboiling the milk can lead to the development of a burnt taste.

Harmful composites

High temperatures can spark the Maillard response. Lactose reacts with proteins in milk which forms dangerous composites.

Changes in tea composites

Boiling tea for too long can break down salutary composites like catechins and polyphenols.

Implicit carcinogens

Overboiling can produce composites like acrylamide, especially if carbohydrates are present.

Digestive discomfort

Overboiling can lead to the denaturation of proteins in milk, altering their structure and making them difficult to digest.

Acidity and pH changes

Overboiling alters the pH of the milk tea which can exacerbate symptoms such as heartburn or stomach discomfort.