7 home-made face scrubs to get glowing skin

Moneycontrol News | May 22, 2024 | Images: Canva

Sugar scrub: Mix 1 tablespoon sugar with 1 tablespoon of olive oil or honey. The sugar granules act as a gentle exfoliant, while olive oil or honey provides deep moisture. Gently massage onto your face in circular motions and rinse with warm water

Coffee scrub: Combine  coffee grounds  with coconut oil. The caffeine in coffee can reduce puffiness and improve skin texture. Apply to the skin in circular motions,  then rinse thoroughly

Rice flour scrub: Mix rice flour with yogurt or raw milk. Rice flour is a gentle exfoliant that can brighten the skin, while yogurt or raw milk provides hydration and mild exfoliation. Apply to your face, gently scrub, and rinse off

Wheat flour scrub: Mix wheat flour with  honey to form a paste. Apply to skin, gently massage, then rinse with warm water. Wheat flour's fine texture exfoliates gently, while honey moisturises and soothes with its antibacterial properties

Salt scrub: Mix sea salt with olive oil.  Sea salt's coarse texture provides  excellent exfoliation, while olive oil moisturises the skin. Apply to the skin,  scrub gently, and rinse well

Yogurt and lemon scrub: Mix yoghurt with lemon juice. The lactic acid in yoghurt and the citric acid in lemon juice both act as natural exfoliants, helping to brighten and smooth the skin. Apply the mixture to your face, massage gently, and rinse off

Banana scrub: Mash a ripe banana and  mix with sugar. Bananas are rich in vitamins and antioxidants that nourish the skin,  while sugar provides gentle exfoliation.  Apply the mixture to your face, scrub lightly, and rinse with lukewarm water