Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

Avoid These 7 Foods During Summer Months

As the scorching heat of summer takes hold, it becomes increasingly important to pay attention to our dietary choices to keep ourselves healthy and energized. 

While the season brings a plethora of delicious treats, there are certain foods that are best avoided during these hot and humid months because they will only cause your health to deteriorate. 

Keep these 7 food items away for the next couple of months for good health.

Fried Foods

The sizzling allure of deep-fried delights may be hard to resist, but indulging in excessive fried foods can lead to sluggishness and discomfort. The high-fat content in these treats can weigh us down and make us feel lethargic.

Spicy Dishes

While a touch of spice can add a tantalizing kick to our meals, consuming overly spicy dishes can raise body temperature and induce excessive sweating. To stay cool and comfortable, it’s advisable to opt for milder flavours and seasonings.

Carbonated Drinks

The sizzling allure of deep-fried delights may be hard to resist, but indulging in excessive fried foods can lead to sluggishness and discomfort. The high-fat content in these treats can weigh us down and make us feel lethargic.

Heavy and Creamy Desserts

Rich, creamy desserts may be delightful treats, but they can leave us feeling weighed down and bloated during the summer heat. Opt for lighter alternatives such as fresh fruit salads, frozen yoghurt, or sorbets.

Red Meat

Indulging in heavy, red meat dishes can take a toll on our digestive system and increase body heat. Instead, consider lighter protein sources like fish, poultry, or plant-based alternatives that are easier to digest.

Caffeinated Beverages

Caffeine acts as a diuretic and can contribute to dehydration. It’s essential to limit the consumption of caffeinated drinks and opt for hydrating beverages like herbal teas, infused water, or fresh fruit juices.

Salty Snacks

While a salty snack can be a majorly satisfying indulgence, excessive intake of sodium can lead to water retention and bloating. To beat the summer heat, opt for healthier snack options like fresh fruits, crunchy vegetables, or nuts.