10 foods that help you feel fuller

Whole grains Grains like brown rice, whole wheat bread and wheat pasta among other foods are linked to controlling weight loss.

Avocado These are a good source of fibre and high in heart-healthy fats which help you sate your appetite longer. 

Greek Yoghurt Greek Yoghurt is a healthier option than regular yoghurt since it contains higher proteins. Thus, keeping you feeling full for longer. 

Fish A healthy protein source provides us with omega-3 fatty acids which which are great for lowering inflammation in the body and for heart protection. 

Red Chilli Pepper The component capsaicin, found in abundance in red chilies, increases the sensation of fullness and decreases the desire to eat.

Nuts Nuts are a great source of protein and also a good snacking option. These contain protein, fiber and healthy snacks. 

Eggs Eggs can make one feel full since they contain high-quality protein. These also have vitamins, minerals and carotenoid antioxidants.

Boiled Potatoes Cooked potatoes are a good source of several healthy nutrients.  Potatoes are high in water and carbs and contain moderate amounts of fiber and protein.

Meat Meats like beef, mutton and lamb contain a huge quantity of protein. Increasing the intake of protein-rich foods like meat can help regulate your appetite.

Cottage Cheese Cottage cheese is rich in healthy fats and carbs while being a high source of protein. Thus, it can make one feel very full.

10 Foods That Promote A Healthy Heart