Moneycontrol News | May 24, 2024 | Images: Canva

9 superfoods  that keep kidney healthy, purify blood

Cabbage: Abundant in phytochemicals, cabbage aids kidney health by reducing inflammation and supplying vital nutrients such as vitamins K and C

Cauliflower: Rich in vitamin C and  fibre, cauliflower aids detoxification and offers anti-inflammatory benefits crucial  for kidney health

Garlic: Renowned for its anti-inflammatory and cholesterol-lowering effects, garlic supports kidney health and provides antioxidant benefits

Red bell peppers: Low in potassium  and high in vitamins A, C, and B6, red  bell peppers boast antioxidant properties, including lycopene, which guards  against certain cancers

Onion: Loaded with flavonoids like  quercetin, onions aid in preventing cardiovascular disease and inflammation, thereby benefiting kidney health

Apples: High in fibre and antioxidants,  apples promote heart health, lower cholesterol, and offer cancer protection, supporting kidney function

Cranberries: With their anti-inflammatory  and urinary tract infection-preventing properties, cranberries are vital for maintaining kidney health

Blueberries: Rich in antioxidants and  fibre, blueberries bolster kidney health, reduce inflammation, and enhance heart  and bone health

Raspberries: Packed with ellagic acid  and antioxidants, raspberries combat  free radicals, support cardiovascular health, and benefit kidney function