Delicious Substitutes for Mutton in Your Recipes

Tofu is a great substitute for mutton, offering a similar texture and rich protein content.

Seitan, made from wheat gluten, mimics mutton's texture and is an excellent plant-based alternative.  

Jackfruit, when cooked, has a meat-like texture, making it a popular substitute for mutton in curries.  

Mushrooms, especially portobello, provide a umami flavour and meaty texture, perfect for replacing mutton.

Lentils can be used in stews and curries as a hearty and nutritious substitute for mutton.

Tempeh, a fermented soy product, offers a firm texture and can be flavoured to mimic mutton dishes.

Eggplant, with its firm flesh, can be used in place of mutton in various recipes, absorbing flavours well.  

Chickpeas are versatile and can be used in curries and stews as a protein-packed mutton substitute.

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