Neemtastic! 8 reasons to begin your day with eating neem

Rich in antioxidants Neem leaves contain a huge amount of antioxidants, including quercetin that helps in fighting stress.

Dental Health Chewing neem leaves or even a neem twig can boost your teeth and gum health. It also reduces bad breath and keeps gum diseases at bay.

Immune Booster  Neem can be a great immune booster making the body more resilient to infections and illnesses. Thus, keeping the body healthy. 

Skin Health Neem is beneficial for treating skin conditions like acne, eczema and psoriasis among others due to its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties.

Helps ease constipation This plant helps cure stomach-related issues. It is helpful in curing constipation and bloating. 

Regulates diabetes Chewing neem leaves help in controlling blood sugar levels and managing diabetes.

Improves liver health Neem's anti-inflammatory properties help to keep the liver healthy by fighting stress. Oxidative stress damages tissues of the liver which the neem helps fight. 

Malaria prevention Neem is used as a traditional ingredient to fight insects such as mosquitoes. Thus, preventing diseases like malaria, and dengue among others.

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