10 reasons why you should use incline on a treadmill

Moneycontrol News | May 28, 2024 | Images: Canva

Using an incline on a treadmill significantly increases the intensity of your workout.  When you walk or run uphill, your body has  to work harder to overcome gravity, which  in turn burns more calories

Incline walking or running engages different muscle groups compared to flat surface exercise. It targets the glutes, hamstrings, calves, and the lower back more intensively

This not only helps in toning these  muscles but also contributes to overall muscle strength and endurance

By adding an incline to your treadmill workout, you can elevate your heart rate more quickly and maintain it at a higher level, which is essential for cardiovascular health

Regularly working out at an incline  can improve heart efficiency and reduce  the risk of heart disease

Compared to running on flat ground,  walking or running at an incline can  reduce the impact on your joints, particularly the knees and ankles

The incline forces you to take shorter,  more controlled steps, which can be  gentler on the body. This is especially beneficial for individuals with joint issues  or those recovering from injury

While using an incline can be beneficial, it also increases the risk of injury if not done correctly. Overextending or pushing yourself on a steep incline can lead to muscle strains, particularly in the calves and achilles tendon

The increased intensity of an incline workout can be too demanding for beginners or those with certain health conditions. It can lead to early fatigue and overexertion, which might discourage continued exercise

Maintaining proper posture on an incline is challenging. Many people lean forward, which can strain the back and neck. Poor posture during incline workouts can lead to chronic pain and other musculoskeletal issue