Top 5 Ayurvedic Herbs To Boost Hemoglobin Naturally

Producer: Peuli Bakshi Editor: Manuj Yadav


Punarnava is an excellent herb for improving blood quality, increasing hemoglobin levels, and detoxifying the blood.


Triphala is a powerful tonic that is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C, which helps in the production of red blood cells and improving hemoglobin levels.


Known as the "Queen of Herbs," Shatavari is widely used in Ayurvedic medicine for promoting healthy blood circulation and increasing hemoglobin levels.


Often referred to as Indian ginseng, Ashwagandha is a powerful adaptogen that aids in boosting hemoglobin by enhancing the production of red blood cells  and improving stamina.


Amalaki helps in increasing hemoglobin levels by promoting the absorption of iron in the body. It also supports liver function and boosts immunity.