5 Ways To Eat Boiled Eggs For Breakfast

Avocado Egg Toast

Not a fan of just boiled eggs? This is for you.

Ingredients: Sliced boiled eggs, mashed avocado, bread, oregano and salt.

Chicken And Soft-Boiled Egg Salad

This is a quick and easy protein-packed recipe.

All you need is chicken breasts, sliced boiled eggs, spinach, olive oil and lemon.

Mediterranean Tostada

Want a tasty twist for your boiled egg? Give this a shot.

Spread a layer of mashed red bell peppers, parsley and sliced boiled egg on a tortilla.

Egg Sandwich With Tomato & Lettuce

Take two bread slices and spread mayonnaise on both.

Top it off with lettuce, sliced tomatoes and boiled eggs.

Quinoa And Boiled Egg Bowl

This easy-to-make dish will keep you full.

It is loaded with avocado, boiled eggs and sauteed kale.