10 must-have items to 'beat the heat'

Water Bottle Always carry a water bottle as drinking water will keep you hydrated during harsh weather.

Sunscreen The sun's rays are full of harsh UV rays that can damage the skin. It is advisable to wear sunscreen daily.

Umbrella An umbrella can protect people from harsh rays. It will protect them from direct sunlight which can drain energy from the body in no time.

Sunglasses The harsh sunlight can damage our eyes and repeated exposure can even lead to blindness. Thus, it is best to wear sunglasses to protect your eyes.

Wet Wipes Wet wipes are an easy way to remove dirt, sweat and excess oil from the skin. It even freshens you up to an extent.

Scarf It is important to cover your face with a scarf to protect yourself from sunburn and heatstroke. It is advisable to carry one during a heatwave.

Medicines It is advisable to carry some basic medication, especially for cardiovascular diseases. Also, carry an Oral Rehydration Solution for the summer.

Face Mask Wearing a face mask can help you protect from the harmful and hot air during the heatwave.

Cap or hat Wear a hat or cap to prevent headaches and migraines caused due to excessive heat.

Fruits Carry hydrating fruits like watermelon, grapes, papaya others to stay refreshed.

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