7 Ways to Practice Mindfulness

By Bindu Gopal Rao

May 31, 2024

Anxiety and stress have become more commonplace today than ever before and there is a need to manage this more conscientiously. This is where mindfulness or living in the moment comes in.

Live in the moment

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Mindfulness and meditation can help you feel less stressed, be compassionate, and handle situations calmly. These will help you be focused, be productive, and resilient. Here are some ways to practice mindfulness.

Reasons to practice mindfulness

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If you start to feel stressed, take a minute to focus on your breathing. Notice how your breath is moving in and out of your body. This is a breathing exercise that can calm your mind instantly. You can also use guided meditation apps to help focus on your breath.

1. Focus on your breath

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Try setting a timer to take short breaks. Research shows micro-breaks improve productivity. These breaks help to break the monotony of your day or job and refresh your mind. They also help you avoid feeling overwhelmed. You can schedule these breaks every hour on your phone. You can also de-stress by journalling.

2. Take breaks

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If possible, disable push notifications and set aside time for email review, focusing on what is important and avoiding the noise. Check your mail during office hours and respond at that time. You will need to take a stance to avoid mail post office hours.

3. Don’t be a slave to your email

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Try being fully present and actively listen to others instead of waiting for your turn to talk. This will quiet your internal monologue, creating space and openness to strengthen your work relationships. Paying attention also means you have a sense of empathy.

4. Actively listen

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Everyone has bad days, use these as an opportunity for mindfulness and try a gratitude meditation to focus on the positive. Gratitude means that you can be happy and content and this is what will help you be mindful.

5. Practice gratitude

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At the end of your workday, turn off distractions for a few minutes and simply be—noticing things around you and focusing on your breath. 

6. Mindfully unwind

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If you can, switch off your phone or keep it on silent mode. Read a book or listen to your favourite song. Avoid watching the screen before you sleep. If stress arises, simply acknowledge it, and let it go.

7. Let it go...

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