What Is Michael Jackson Trust Money Controversy?

Beneficiaries of Michael Jackson’s trust are unable to get funds due to a legal dispute.

The pop great’s three children – Paris, Prince, Bigi – and his mother are the beneficiaries.

The dispute involves the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) and MJ’s estate.

Michael Jackson’s family said they are still receiving payments through an allowance. 

The disagreement arose when the IRS investigated the estate's federal tax filing.

The estate, IRS claimed, "undervalued its assets" and owed $700 million in fines and taxes.

In 2021, the estate appealed against such levies and won a tax court trial.

The estate then filed a motion to review court's valuation of Mijac, MJ’s music catalog owned by Sony.

As a result, the value of the estate for taxation reasons is unknown.

Before a final judgment, the IRS and the estate must agree on the value.