Producer:  Priyanka Das Editor: Sujata Singh

Healthy Jackfruit and Avocado Burger Recipe to Try


 Spinach bun    Avocado slice    Cheddar cheese    Iceberg lettuce    Heirloom tomato slice    Pulled jackfruit    Potato    Cucumber slices    Salt    Pepper    Mayonnaise    Chopped onion    Chopped chilli    Chopped bell pepper    Thyme    Olive oil    Refined flour    Bread crumb

Preheat the oven to 400°F, and bake the potato until it becomes soft. Mash them firmly.

Heat the pan, add chopped onions, chilli, bell pepper, thyme and saute for a while.

Take the pulled jackfruit in a bowl, add mashed potato add sauteed mixture and give shape to the patty, keep it aside.

Make a batter with refined flour and water, and add some seasoning to it.

Take bread crumbs on a plate, dip the patty into the batter and coat it with bread crumbs.

Heat the oil and fry the patty until golden brown.

Now, take the spinach bun, cut into horizontally and toast it under the salamander.

Put some cucumbers and avocado slices and serve it.