Kill that craving: 9 ways to stop sweet cravings after meals

Have a glass of water Drinking a glass of water after meals will help to make you feel fuller.  

Eat small portions Having a full stomach can help control cravings. This will not just reduce your calorie intake but reduce the need to eat something sweet. 

Chew gum The action of chewing gum can help suppress hunger. Several plant-based gums are specially used to curb sugar cravings.

Move your body A brisk walk or some strenuous exercise can help to forget the desire to have sweets. 

Eliminate sugar Quitting sugar is a difficult way to stop cravings. But it is beneficial to reset your brain completely. However, this should be done gradually and not at once. 

Incorporate enough fibre and protein If your diet contains enough fibre and protein it will make you feel fuller for a longer time.

Brush teeth Brushing your teeth can signify to the brain that mealtime is over and stop any form of craving. 

Have fruits Eating fruits can help to satisfy the sweet tooth. As fruits contain natural sugar it can satisfy cravings.

Eat dark chocolate Dark chocolate has loads of antioxidants and a lesser amount of sugar compared to milk chocolate.

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