Moneycontrol News | June 8, 2024

9 signs your relationship is on the verge of a break-up

One of the clearest signs of a troubled marriage is a breakdown in communication. If you and your partner no longer engage in meaningful conversations or if talking has become a source of tension, it may indicate that the emotional bond is weakening

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When the frequency and quality of physical interactions, such as holding hands, hugging, or sexual activity, decrease significantly, it could be a sign that the emotional connection is waning. A lack of desire to be physically close can reflect deeper emotional issues

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Emotional intimacy is just as important as physical closeness. If you or your partner feel disconnected, it might manifest as indifference, lack of empathy, or a general sense of apathy towards each other's feelings and experiences

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This emotional distance often leads to  feeling like you're living separate lives  under the same roof

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While disagreements are normal in any marriage, a significant increase in the frequency and intensity of arguments can signal deeper issues

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Constant bickering, criticism, or conflict  over trivial matters often reflects underlying dissatisfaction and resentment. These unresolved conflicts can erode the  foundation of love and respect

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When one or both partners stop trying —whether it's in terms of spending quality time together, making small gestures of love, or supporting each other's goals — it can indicate that the motivation to maintain the relationship has diminished

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Daydreaming about life without your spouse or imagining being with someone else can be a red flag. While occasional thoughts might be harmless, persistent fantasies about separation or being with another person suggest dissatisfaction

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It's natural to enjoy some time alone, but if you consistently feel relieved or happier when your partner is not around, it might indicate that being together has become a source of stress rather than joy. This can signal a deeper issue of emotional exhaustion

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In a healthy marriage, partners show appreciation and gratitude for each other's efforts and qualities. If these expressions of thankfulness and admiration have dwindled, it suggests you are taking each other for granted or that positive feelings have faded

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If you and your spouse no longer see eye-to-eye on major life decisions, such as career moves, living arrangements, or having children, maintaining a loving and cohesive relationship becomes challenging

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Turning to friends, family, or strangers for emotional support instead of your spouse is a sign that you no longer feel emotionally safe or understood. It occurs when the relationship no longer provides the comfort, security needed to handle life's challenges

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