How To Prepare Indian Potato Salad At Home

Producer:  Swati Chaturvedi

Boil Potatoes: Cook 4-5 medium potatoes until tender. Cool, peel, and dice them.

Chop Veggies: Finely chop 1 onion, 1 tomato, 1 cucumber, and 1 green chili.

Mix Ingredients: Combine diced potatoes, chopped veggies, and a handful of fresh coriander leaves in a bowl.

Spice It Up: Add 1 tsp cumin powder, 1 tsp chaat masala, salt to taste, and a pinch of red chili powder.

Add Lemon Juice: Squeeze the juice of 1 lemon over the mixture.

Toss Salad: Mix everything well to coat the potatoes with spices and lemon juice.

1. Serve: Garnish with more coriander leaves and serve chilled or at room temperature. 4o