5 Quick Meal Recipes For Workaholics

Producer: Mehak Pal Editor: Manuj Yadav

In today’s busy lifestyle, it can be difficult to find the time to prepare nutritious meals for yourself and your family. Here are five quick meal recipes for workaholics.

Scrambled Egg and Rice

Scramble some eggs with spring onions, peas, and soy sauce in a wok. Now, add fried rice to it. Garnish it with spring onions.

Avocado and White Bean Salad

Mix avocado, white beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, and onions in a bowl. Stir the dressing ingredients together in a bowl

Egg and Cheese Toast

Beat eggs, salt, and pepper in a bowl. Take a pan, add a slice of butter, and dip the bread in it. Once the bread turns golden brown, add eggs to it and cook it thoroughly.

Coconut Rice with Chickpeas

Coconut rice is made with a blend of spices, such as coriander, turmeric, cumin, and pepper. Now, pressure cook soaked brown chickpeas. Take a pan, and add oil, mustard seeds, green chili, curry leaves, asafetida, and salt. Add the cooked brown chickpeas to it and some amount of water. Now, serve both dishes together.

Vegetable Pulao

Vegetable PulaoAdd some ghee and spices to a pressure cooker and sauté some onions, potatoes, and other vegetables. Add rice & half the amount of water, and cook till 3 whistles. Serve it with some cool raita and crunchy papad.